王凤姣, 徐海洋, 闫建斌, 李伟

Biosynthesis and application of pyrethrins: a natural pesticide from plants
Fengjiao WANG, Haiyang XU, Jianbin YAN, Wei LI
图3 除虫菊酯生物合成途径
Fig. 3 Pyrethrin biosynthesis pathway
(Synthesis of pyrethrin moieties are originated in the ovary trichome, TcCDS catalyzes 2 DMAPP to generate chrysanthemyl diphosphate, which is further catalyzed by phosphatase TcNudix1, dehydrogenases TcADH2 and TcALDH1 to generate chrysanthemic acid, and two additional enzymes oxidase TcCHH and methyltransferase TcCCMT participate the reaction to form pyrethric acid. Alcohol moieties are generated from the jasmonic acid biosynthesis pathway, and the downstream biosynthesis are catalyzed by cytochrome P450 TcJMH and TcPYS for the biosynthesis of jasmolone and pyrethrolone, but the reactions for cinerolone biosynthesis are still unknown. One of two acid moieties and one of three alcohol moieties are condensed by the catalysis of TcGLIP to produce six different pyrethrins. Upstream steps of the acid moiety pathway are located within plastid, and then the intermediates are transferred to cytosol for further oxidation. The biosynthesis of jasmonic acid is in the plastid and peroxisome under the catalysis of the cytochrome P450s localized at endoplasmic reticulum. Two transporter proteins Jassy and CTS involved in the biosynthesis of jasmonic acid are localized at the membrane of plastid and peroxisome, respectively, and more transporters may exist for transferring chrysanthemol from plastid to cytosol and also for transferring moieties from trichome to apoplast, which need further validation)