赖奇龙, 姚帅, 查毓国, 白虹, 宁康

Microbiome-based biosynthetic gene cluster data mining techniques and application potentials
Qilong LAI, Shuai YAO, Yuguo ZHA, Hong BAI, Kang NING
图4 建立BGC和次生代谢产物关联性的分析方法58
Fig. 4 Analytical methods for establishing correlation between BGC and the production of secondary metabolites[58]
(a) Retro-biosynthesis: starting with a known compound but no related gene clusters identified, it is possible for predicting enzyme(s) to catalyze the synthesis of such a compound (backbone and tailoring enzymes), and with these predictions putative gene clusters matching the requirements can be found in the genome. The selected case in this figure is penicillin G[59]. (b) Homology searching: starting with a known compound produced by organism 1 and the same or similar compound produced by organism 2 with gene cluster identified, it is possible to use the known gene cluster from organism 2 to search for a similar gene cluster in the genome of organism 1, and thereby identify the gene cluster of interest. (c) Comparative genomics: starting with a group of organisms, some of which produce compounds of interest and some of which do not, it is possible to identify homologous gene clusters in the species that produce them and to screen on the basis of the absence of homologous genes in the species that does not produce them, thereby identifying candidate gene clusters.