About the Journal

  • Synthetic Biology Journal is cosponsored by Chemical Industry Press, Chinese Society of Biotechnology and SDIC Biotech Investment Co., Ltd., and published by Chemical Industry Press, bimonthly. It was formerly known as Biotechnology & Business, a journal of the Chinese Society for Biotechnology,and was renamed Synthetic Biology Journal since the first issue in 2020. 

    The title is positioned as the international top Chinese journal , and a flagship journal in the field of synthetic biology in China, meanwhile as a Think Tank. This journal is the only Chinese one absolutely focused on synthetic biology in China. this is a Chinese journal, but the journal metadata, such as title, abstract, abstract figure,keywords, figure title ,table title, references are all in English. In addition, there are English illustration and legend almost in all the picture.

    Synthetic biology is a new branch of "convergence" science, which combines systematic biologyand engineering science. In order to reveal the law of life and to construct a new generation of biological engineering system, it adopts a bottom-up strategy to achieve modification of natural or design new biological systems synthetically. Synthetic biology is the key to understand the internal mechanism of life and change the future, which is summarized as "building knowledge, building a tool". Our journal mainly contains reviews and monographs that guide the development of synthetic biology. These creative academic papers represent the basic and applied research level of China in this field. At the same time, the development trend of synthetic biology is radiated including the safety and ethics of synthetic biology, patent and industry, platform construction, investment and financing and economy, science and technology policies and regulations. Articles are classified as special comments, reviews, research papers, applied technologies, comments, news and views, etc. According to the key technologies and application fields of engineering biology, the research directions are as follows: DNA Synthesis and Assembly; Biomolecular Engineering; Design of Gene Circuits; Host and Community Engineering; Construction and Application of Synthetic Biosystems (Industry, Therapy & Medicine, Food, Agriculture, Environment, Energy, Materials); Machine Learning (Data Science). Other Columns include: Excellent iGEM Projects; Biosecurity and Ethic: Patent and Industrial Analysis; Platform Construction and Automation; Investment and Economy; Policy and Rule for Science and Technology.

    The Synthetic Biology Journal accepts revenue mainly from organizational support, such as BGI Research - Shenzhen, AMYRIS, Xuzhou Medical University, Twist Bioscience, Tsingke Biotechnology Co., Ltd., etc. The business model must not influence editorial decision making, and shall be kept separated from the published content.

  • 2020-02-25 Visited: 27716