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CRISPR/Cas systems and their applications in gene editing with filamentous fungi
Yingying CHEN, Yang LIU, Junjie SHI, Junying MA, Jianhua JU
Synthetic Biology Journal    2024, 5 (3): 672-693.   DOI: 10.12211/2096-8280.2023-097
Abstract   (629 HTML64 PDF(pc) (2544KB)(480)  

Filamentous fungi, which present distinct morphology and cell structure, play a critical role in human health as well as industrial and agricultural production. However, the unique characteristics of filamentous fungi make them difficult to be manipulated with traditional genetic engineering methods. Thus, the development of an efficient gene editing system is essential for exploring biological resources and understanding metabolic processes in filamentous fungi. The development of the Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats/CRISPR associated protein (CRISPR/Cas) system promotes more efficient and effective gene editing in different species, and brings a revolutionary breakthrough in fungal fundamental research and applications. In this review, we first briefly introduce the history, working mechanism, and classifications of the CRISPR/Cas mediated gene editing system. Next, we comment the functional components of CRISPR/Cas9 such as selective marker, Cas9 and gRNA and the delivery methods of these components in various filamentous fungi. Furthermore, we systematically discuss the applications of CRISPR related technologies, including CRISPR/Cas12, base-editor, CRISPRa, CRISPRi and CRISPR mediated epigenetic regulation, in the genetic engineering of filamentous fungi, particularly in marine-derived filamentous fungi. Finally, we address challenges with relative low gene editing efficiency and off-targets effects in engineering filamentous fungi, and highlight the potential solutions for developing novel CRISPR/Cas-based gene editing systems. This review can provide guidance for developing an efficient gene editing platform in filamentous fungi and pave the way for further exploration of the secondary metabolites and establishment of robust fungal cell factories.

抗性基因标记Hygromycin (hyg)Hph (编码潮霉素磷酸转移酶), 具有潮霉素抗性

A. niger[42],A. fumigatus[43]


phosphinothricin (bar)Bar (编码磷化麦黄酮乙酰转移酶),具有草胺膦抗性

Myceliophthora thermophila[44],

Beauveria bassiana[45]

Carboxin (cbx)点突变的SdhB (编码琥珀酸脱氢酶)可作为米曲霉的筛选标记,以醋酸盐作为碳源,可提高对萎锈灵的敏感性A. oryzae[46]
Neomycin (neo)Neo (编码氨基糖苷磷酸转移酶),具有G418 (新霉素衍生物)抗性

Phytophthora sojae[47],

M. thermophila[48]

Pyrithiamine (ptrA)点突变的PtrA (编码硫胺素噻唑合成酶基因),具有吡啶硫胺抗性A. oryzae[49],A. flavus[50]
Chlorimuron (sur)Sur (乙酰乳酸合成酶)具有氯嘧磺隆抗性Knufia petricola[51]
Fenhexamid (Fenr)点突变的 ERG27 (编码酮还原酶),具有环酰菌胺抗性Botrytis cinerea[52]
Nourseothricin (Nat)Nat (编码N-乙酰转移酶),具有诺尔斯菌素抗性B. cinerea[52]

A. niger[53],

M. thermophila[48]

niaDniaD功能缺陷突变株能够耐受高浓度氯盐A. oryzae[49]
pyrGpyrG功能缺失的突变株只能在含有尿苷或尿嘧啶的培养基上正常生长A. niger[42], A. terreus[54]
argBargB功能缺失的突变株只能在含有精氨酸的培养基上正常生长A. nidulans[55],A. oryzae[56]
adeAadeA功能缺失的突变株只能在含有腺苷酸的培养基上正常生长A. oryzae[56]
ppt1缺失ppt1功能的突变体只能在添加赖氨酸的培养基上正常生长F. fujikuroi[57]
表型报告基因fcc1fcc1基因的破坏可导致紫色色素的积累F. fujikuroi[57]
wAwA突变体形成白色分生孢子A. oryzae[49],A. nidulans[55]
yAyA突变体形成黄色分生孢子A. oryzae[49], A.nidulans[55]
fwnAfwnA突变体形成白色分生孢子A. niger[58]
albAalbA突变体形成白色分生孢子A. niger[53]
pkaCpkaC (编码camp依赖性蛋白激酶的催化亚单位)的破坏可导致平板上的菌落直径大大减小A. niger[53]
creAcreA 敲除菌株产孢能力显著降低Spiromastix sp. [59]
pksPpksP敲除菌落具有明显的附白化表型A. fumigatus[60]
cnaAcnaA功能障碍导致菌丝生长缺陷显著,菌落表型非常小而密集A. fumigatus[60]
ayg1ayg1 敲除可导致孢子的颜色从黑色变为黄色A. carbonarius[61]
cbh1破坏cbh1将导致SDS-PAGE凝胶上的主要条带丢失,从而有利于通过成功的基因编辑鉴定菌株Trichoderma reesei[62]
Table 2 Screening markers applied in CRISPR/Cas systems for engineering filamentous fungi
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