
• 研究论文 •    


焦洪涛1, 齐蒙2, 邵滨3, 蒋劲松4   

  1. 1.华中科技大学法学院,湖北 武汉 430074
    2.杭州华为企业通信技术有限公司,浙江 杭州 310051
    3.湖南大学法学院,湖南 长沙 410082
    4.清华大学科学史系,北京 100084
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-02 修回日期:2024-06-24 出版日期:2024-09-14
  • 通讯作者: 焦洪涛
  • 作者简介:焦洪涛(1974—),男,华中科技大学科技法研究所执行所长、华中科技大学生命伦理学研究中心特聘研究员、中国科学技术法学会常务理事兼副秘书长、中国知识产权研究会常务理事、中国医药生物技术协会合成生物技术分会委员、中国自然辨证法研究会生命伦理学专委会委员、国家市场监管总局发展研究中心专家委员。近年来承担国家重点研发计划项目合成生物学知识产权课题、国家社科基金重大项目子课题、国家社科基金项目、教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目、国家知识产权局委托研究项目等;先后获中国科技法学会授予的“优秀人才奖”“突出成就奖”和“优秀成果奖”;参加国家中长期科技发展规划战略研究、知识产权强国建设纲要战略研究和国家知识产权战略研究;在《中国科学院院刊》《国际生物科技法律杂志(JIBL)》《科技与法律》《科学学研究》等学术期刊发表中英文论文70余篇。主要研究方向为科技法与知识产权法、生命伦理与法律。 E-mail:jiaohongtao@hust.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Legal Governance Issues of DNA Data Storage Technology

Hong-tao JIAO1, Meng QI2, Bin SHAO3, Jing-song JIANG4   

  1. 1.Law School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan,Hubei,430074,China
    2.Hangzhou Huawei Enterprise Communication Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,310051,China
    3.Law School of Hunan University,Changsha,Hunan,410082,China
    4.Department of History of Science,Tsinghua University,Beijing,10084,China
  • Received:2024-04-02 Revised:2024-06-24 Online:2024-09-14
  • Contact: Hong-tao JIAO



关键词: DNA数据存储技术, 合成生物学, 信息安全, 法律治理, 科技伦理治理


DNA data storage technology is a key branch of synthetic biology,expected to be a solution to the shortage of storage capacity caused by the explosive growth of data due to its high storage density, long storage period, stability and security. Exploring the legal governance issues of DNA data storage technology is an important part of strengthening the governance over ethics in emerging science and technology. At the human rights level, discuss the challenges of "human dignity" and the data gap, it is suggested to improve the policy and legal system of DNA data storage based on the framework of governance over ethics in science and technology. At the security level, discuss related issues of information security and biosafety, it is suggested to strengthen the security governance of DNA data storage technology by combining information security and biosafety in two dimensions. At the level of intellectual property,discuss the patentability involved in DNA synthesis and sequencing technology, DNA media and microorganisms of recombinant DNA,it is suggested to improve the patent protection rules, and optimize the legal environment of intellectual property,so as to promote the technological innovation and industrial innovation of DNA data storage technology.

Key words: DNA data storage technology, Synthetic biology, Information security, Legal governance, Governance over ethics in science and technology
