Synthetic Biology Journal ›› 2022, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (2): 302-319.DOI: 10.12211/2096-8280.2021-063

• Invited Review • Previous Articles     Next Articles

DNA nanotechnology and synthetic biology

Qian SHI, Yuanyuan WU, yang YANG   

  1. Institute of Molecular Medicine,Renji Hospital,School of Medicine,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200127,China
  • Received:2021-06-04 Revised:2021-10-24 Online:2022-05-11 Published:2022-04-30
  • Contact: yang YANG


施茜, 吴园园, 杨洋   

  1. 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院,分子医学研究院,上海 200127
  • 通讯作者: 杨洋
  • 作者简介:施茜(1988—),女,博士后。研究方向为基于核酸纳米结构的药物递送。
  • 基金资助:


Conventional biology investigates and examines life for knowledge and explanations. Synthetic biology, however, breaks through this paradigm and opens a new research era that relies on the reconstruction or creation of biological/bionic elements towards new properties and applications. As a multidisciplinary field, synthetic biology benefits from system biology, molecular biology, structural biology, bio-design and engineering and cutting-edge biological techniques. It reveals the law of life, and makes breakthroughs. DNA nanotechnology, using DNA as building materials to make self-assembled nanostructure, has become a significant support technique for synthetic biology. Besides the remarkable biological affinity of nucleic acids, DNA nanotechnology shows unique advantages of the precise designability, addressability, controllability and modular assembly. In this article, we reviewed the current progresses in how to use DNA nanostructure to direct the arrangement and assembly of other biomolecules (e.g. nucleic acids, proteins and lipids) and to construct or mimic novel cell elements (e.g. DNA nuclear pore, DNA membrane-spanning channel and DNA clathrin-mimic networks), biological reactions (e.g. membrane fusion, lipid transfer and vesicle tubulation), and biochemical systems (e.g. RNA-extruding nanofactories, in situ assembly of viral protein and coagulation system). We also introduced the attempts of employing DNA nano-robots for drug delivery and tumor therapy. However, further studies are expected to better synthesize, simulate and regulate biological systems by using DNA nanostructures. For example, how to recover the property of DNA to carry genetic/artificial information; how to balance the complexity and simplicity towards high efficient performance; how to expand the production scale and reduce the cost; how to produce functional structures in cells. Meanwhile, medical applications ask for more improvements, such as increasing drug loading efficiency, enhancing targeting specificity, maintaining structure stability invivo, lowering the immunogenicity and modifying adjuvant for immune therapy. In summary, DNA nanotechnology presents a broad application prospect in synthetic biology, which will help understanding the essence of life, simulating the process of life, establishing artificial systems and developing future technologies.

Key words: synthetic biology, DNA nanotechnology, artificial systems, orderly assembly, healthcare



关键词: 合成生物学, DNA纳米技术, 有序装配, 人工体系, 医疗健康

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