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    28 February 2022, Volume 3 Issue 1
    Contents in Chinese and English
    2022, 3(1):  0. 
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    The mystery of Z-genome biosynthesis has been elucidated
    JIN Jiaoyu, ZHOU Jiahai
    2022, 3(1):  1-5.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-034
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    On April 30, 2021, three Z-genome research papers were published in Science. This article will comment on the collaborative work performed at laboratories led by Zhao Suwen at Shanghai Technology University, Zhang Yan at Tianjin University, and Zhao Huimin at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Singapore. First, we introduce the multi-enzyme system mediated Z-genome biosynthesis. Then we address the discovery of dATPase and DUF550 that reduce the concentration of dATP in the host bacteria. Finally, we highlight the sequencing and identification of the Z-genome and its functional significance. Forty-four years ago, Soviet scientists discovered for the first time that diaminopurine (Z) was presented in the DNA of Cyanophage S-2L. Z is a modified unique base that replaces adenine (A), which form three hydrogen bonds with thymine (T), but the biosynthetic pathway of the Z-genome had been an unsolved mystery for the past decades. Very recently, the multi-enzyme system to biosynthesize Z-genome has been characterized by various methods including bioinformatics, computational biology and biochemistry methods through collaborations among Professors Zhao Suwen, Zhang Yan and Zhao Huimin. They concluded that this pathway exists in dozens of phages distributed around the world, including Acinetobacter phage SH-Ab 15497, which was discovered and isolated in Shanghai. The team used HPLC-UV, MS and nanopore sequencing to verify that Z exists in Acinetobacter phage SH-Ab 15497 and completely replaced adenine. Restriction endonucleases usually cannot digest Z-DNA at recognition sites containing A. Therefore, Z-DNA gives phage an evolutionary advantage to evade attack by host restriction endonucleases. The findings of Z-genome biosynthesis will shed light on the development of new nucleic acid agents and novel DNA technologies.

    Invited Review
    An evolutionary perspective on quantitative biological principles and synthetic life design
    ZHAO Xiaoyu, ZHANG Hao, LI Xuefei, HU Zheng
    2022, 3(1):  6-21.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-092
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    Genetic evolution is a defining feature of all biological systems, whereby lives are able to adapt to the rapidly changing environments. Quantitative synthetic biology, an emerging field in life science, mainly studies how to apply synthetic biosystems to reveal quantitative biological rules, which in turn guides the rational design of synthetic life. Although such artificial biosystems are created in the laboratory, they are also governed by the rules of evolution, such as mutation, genetic drift, Darwinian selection, etc. However, the evolutionary potential of a synthetic biosystem might have been underrated, which often leads to the circuit failures or the emergence of undesigned function. Therefore, overcoming evolutionary perturbations is one of grand challenges in robust circuit design, and harnessing the rules of evolution would be important for more robust design of artificial biosystems. On the other hand, bottom-up synthetic systems provide favorable biological models to test and explore the evolutionary principles that are hard to study based on natural biosystems. In this review, we first summarize the current progress in screening functional proteins through continuous directed-evolution guided by the evolutionary principles. We assess advantages and disadvantages for different architectures in continuous directed-evolution through evolutionary perspective. We also review the evolutionary strategies that are used to improve the stability of synthetic circuits in host cells, including reducing mutation rate, the coupling of host cell fitness with target gene expression, synthetic addiction, compartmentalization, feedback control, orthogonal system, etc. Furthermore, we discuss how to use the synthetic biology approaches to address some basic theories in evolutionary biology, such as the origin of life, the development of multicellularity, genetic constraint and epistasis, and the evolutionary tradeoff of complex life system, etc. We believe that a real-time precise control of the evolutionary process would enhance the quantitative features and predictability in the field of synthetic biology, and greatly advance the applications of robust synthetic biosystems for human sustainable goals.

    Synthetic immunology and future NK cell immunotherapy
    BI Jiacheng, TIAN Zhigang
    2022, 3(1):  22-34.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-075
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    In recent years, immunotherapy has been a breakthrough for clinical treatment of major diseases, such as cancers, whose efficacy and safety in treatment of solid tumors, however, requires further improvements. Meanwhile, the concept and technologies of synthetic biology have also gained substantial development, along with studies on basic immunology and practices in the immunotherapy, giving birth to a new discipline, 'synthetic immunology'. Synthetic immunology aims to engineer biological devices or equipments to reshape, renormalize and rebuild the immune system for rational manipulation of immune responses in immunotherapy against major diseases. This review focuses on the development of immunotherapy driven by synthetic immunology. For future synthetic immune cell therapy, the chassis cell is the key element. Among effector immune cells, Natural Killer (NK) cells are cytotoxic innate lymphocytes that recognize and kill tumor cells without the need for priming. NK-based cell therapy, with proven tolerability and efficacy against tumors, is known for its low toxicity and suitable for allogenic use. These unique features of NK cells make them a potentially ideal chassis for future 'universal' synthetic immune cell therapy, whose anti-tumor efficacy could be further strengthened by arming of NK-adapted chimeric antigen receptors for precise recognition of tumors and of gene circuits for intelligent responses against tumors. In addition, technologies such as large-scale expansion and closed, automatic, and programmable 'cell factory' will lay the essential basis for 'off-the-shelf' supply of these synthetic immune cells. Besides synthetic immune cell therapy, synthetic immune molecules represent another arm of future synthetic immunology-driven immunotherapy. High-throughput technologies, multi-omics, and humanized mouse models will aid the rational design of these synthetic molecules towards reduced toxicity and enhanced efficacy, thus providing more possibilities for manipulation of immune responses. In the future, synthetic immune molecules will cooperate with synthetic immune cell therapy to further improve the efficacy and safety of anti-tumor immune therapy.

    Advances in synthetic biology assisted intestinal microecological therapy
    GAO Mengxue, WANG Lina, HUANG He
    2022, 3(1):  35-52.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-097
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    The pool of microbes inhabiting our gut is known as ‘gut microbiota’. The gut microbiota, the largest symbiotic ecosystem with the host, has been shown to play important roles in maintaining intestinal homeostasis, and its structure and function have changed significantly since the industrialization era, especially with the change of lifestyle and the improvement of health care. This microbial community regulates some important metabolic and physiological functions of the host, and drives the maturation of the immune system in early life. Dysbiosis of the gut microbiome is caused by an imbalance between the commensal and pathogenic microbiomes, and alterations of the intestinal microbiota can be directly correlated with several diseases. This remodeled ‘industrialized’ gut microbiota has a profound impact on human health, accelerating the development of major chronic diseases such as digestive, metabolic and psychiatric disorders. Therefore, correcting intestinal microecological imbalance has become one of the core strategies to address the challenges in the development of major chronic non-communicable diseases. However, only a few conventional gut microbiome therapeutics developed to target the regulation of intestinal flora structure and function, such as probiotic therapy and fecal transplantation therapy have been used for the prevention and treatment of major chronic diseases with multiple intractable clinical conditions. Moreover, safety issues such as poor controllability and unclear genetic background of the flora have emerged. The iterative development of synthetic biology and microbial culture omics technology tools have promoted the development of novel microecological drugs, which have become the key to the precise identification and effective administration of major chronic diseases. This review takes the perspective of intervention and treatment of major chronic diseases such as digestive diseases, metabolic diseases and psychiatric diseases. The research progress of synthetic biology concepts and related technologies in designing and constructing engineered probiotics is systematically discussed. The application of microbiome therapeutics focusing on engineered probiotics in 3 categories of major chronic diseases is further reviewed. Moreover, we summarize the opportunities and challenges of using engineered probiotics to build synthetic flora, aiming to providing new methods and strategies for the diagnosis and prevention of major chronic diseases, thus promoting technological innovation and development of gut microbiome therapeutics.

    Construction of tumor gene circuits using CRISPR/Cas tool and their applications
    SONG Fei, LIU Yuchen, CAI Zhiming, HUANG Weiren
    2022, 3(1):  53-65.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-046
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    Refractory diseases such as malignant tumors are still a major challenge for public health in the world. In recent years, the fast development of synthetic biology has greatly promoted novel treatment strategies for diseases with great potentials for effective treatment. The artificially constructed gene circuits can specifically identify and distinguish diseased cells from normal cells, and control their fate to provide a new way for precise treatment. However, the ultimate challenge in constructing gene circuits is the lack of effective, programmable, safe, and sequence-specific gene editing tools. The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) system and CRISPR-associated RNA-guided endonuclease Cas9-targeted (CRISPR-associated protein 9) genome editing tool have recently been applied in engineering gene circuits for its unique properties: manipulability, high efficiency and programmability. In addition to indel mutations induced by Cas9, CRISPR/Cas can perform DNA/RNA base editing, providing efficient tools for gene circuit design, and greatly improve efficiency for designing circuit elements. The traditional single-targeted treatment cannot effectively distinguish tumor cells from normal cells, and gene therapy has poor anti-tumor effects, which severely limits its application. Currently, the design of gene circuits using tumor-specific targets based on CRISPR/Cas systems provides a new strategy for precision cancer therapy. Scientists have developed a series of efficient and targeted transcription factor components based on CRISPR technology to maximize the performance of gene circuits. These novel designs extend the toolbox for gene editing, and enable the construction of intelligent gene circuits such as logic gates, signal conductors, analogue computing circuits, counters and memory devices. Therefore, the application of intelligent gene circuits based on CRISPR technology can effectively ensure safety, efficiency and specificity for cancer treatment. This article introduces the updated progress, prospects and potential challenges of CRISPR/Cas technology for the design and construction of gene circuits in biomedical field. Firstly, the efficacy of synthetic gene circuits using CRISPR system components in tumor treatment is evaluated, especially the safety and effectiveness of using Cas9 induced by artificial switch to intervene tumor growth. Secondly, the design of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated signal conductors is introduced, which can recognize multiple protein signals simultaneously and realize the simultaneous regulation of multiple genes. In addition, the CRISPR/Cas12a system with smaller size, strong specificity and high gene regulation efficiency is a new generation alternative. Finally, the simplified gene circuit design based on the promoter-free CRISPReader expression elements is addressed, and its high-efficiency startup feature will greatly enhance the potential application of intelligent gene circuits in precise cancer treatments in the future.

    Advances in application of CRISPR/Cas9 and its derivative editors in aging research
    GONG Shitao, WANG Yu, CHEN Yuting
    2022, 3(1):  66-77.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-100
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    Aging is a complicated process, with aging individuals exhibiting a decline in organ functions and the development of multiple diseases, making it one of major threats to human health. Senescence is often caused by cellular degeneration, which is characterized by morphological and metabolic changes, chromatin remodeling, altered gene expression and a pro-inflammatory phenotype called senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). Moreover, gene mutations and their accumulation are one of the factors triggering aging, and gene editing technology can thus be used to correct or remove erroneous gene mutations, thereby retarding cellular senescence and individual aging as well as treating individual aging-related diseases. Discovered based on the acquired immune system of bacteria and archaea, CRISPR/Cas was initially used to knock out genes, and then its application has been extended to modify the genomes of various organisms. Amino acid mutation and protein structure optimization of Cas protein can not only expand the range of CRISPR/Cas targeted sequence, but also improve its editing efficiency and fidelity to reduce off-target effect. Many Cas protein-based editors, such as base editors, prime editors, transposases/recombinases, have also been invented, which can achieve single-nucleotide editing and integration of large fragments. CRISPR/Cas and its derived editors enable precise gene modifications to meet requirement for editing different genes. In this article, we summarize the CRISPR/Cas system and its types, Cas9 protein and its variants, gene editors derived from Cas9 protein, and discuss their potential applications in treating aging and aging related diseases including progeria syndrome, cardiovascular disease, age-related macular degeneration and neurodegenerative diseases. In the future, the development of gene editing tools with highly targeted editing and low-level off-target and the optimization of delivery methods will accelerate the transfer of the gene editing technology to research and clinical application. Not only can gene editing be used to treat diseases caused by gene mutations, but also become a favorable tool for the treatment of aging and aging related diseases.

    Research progress of synthetic mammalian genomics
    HE Bo, FU Zongheng, WU Yi, ZHAO Guangrong
    2022, 3(1):  78-97.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-006
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    Synthetic genomics aims at genome-scale engineering or de novo synthesis through the design and chemical synthesis of large DNA sequences, which contributes to the revealing of connections between genotype and phenotype to construct organisms with expected functions. With the advances of synthetic genomics in lower model organisms, such as Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, designing and rebuilding the large DNA fragments for mammalians could enhance the functional remodeling of their genomes. Designing higher mammalian genomes based on principles developed with the lower organism genome design can lead to understanding of more complex mammalian genomes, and in the meantime improve the design principles. In spite of multiple challenges, design and synthesis of mammalian large DNA fragments would provide promising methods and solutions. Overcoming the technical difficulties of manipulating large fragments of DNA in mammalian cells shows unique potentials in a variety of applications. For example, it can customize chromosomes for the construction of chromosomal disease models, build more complete humanized immune systems, etc. However, the current design and manipulation of large DNA fragments in mammalian cells are faced with many unsolved bottlenecks. Although the whole genome sequencing of several higher mammals has been completed, the annotation for the genomes of higher mammals is still far from complete. The existing assembly technology is difficult to accurately assemble complex repetitive sequences, and the vector presents poor versatility for shuttling between different cells. Moreover, the lower efficiency in transferring large fragments of DNA is a major bottleneck hindering the manipulation of large fragments in mammalian cells. This article systematically reviews recent progress in synthetic mammalian genomics by focusing on the breakthroughs in design-assembly-transfer technical route, and highlights further applications in human medicines and healthcare field.

    Biohybrid materials for light-driven biocatalysis
    WANG Xueyun, YANG Wenjun, ZHONG Chao, GAO Xiang
    2022, 3(1):  98-115.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-078
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    Biohybrid materials for light-driven biocatalysis, also named semi-artificial photosynthesis, are efficient light-harvesting materials that couple with highly specific biocatalysts for solar-to-chemical energy conversion. The natural photosynthesis that converts solar energy to chemical compounds is limited by the low efficiency of light absorption and the limited understanding of complicated cellular metabolism. Artificial photosynthesis, mimic to natural photosynthesis, has the potential for highly efficient solar-to-chemical energy conversion. However, the production of compounds containing two or more carbons with higher value through such a pathway is still challenging. Recent development in synthetic biology enables biological systems to produce more high valued and specifical chemicals. The semi-biological approaches have been developed for complementary advantages in materials science and biology, which gain new opportunities for solar-to-chemical energy conversion. The hybrid systems have been elaborated in a variety of ways, such as biological antenna as a light-harvester for nanoparticle catalysts or materials functioning as a light capturer to couple conversion catalyzed by enzymes and bacterial whole cells. The biological photosensitizer-material hybrids that use photosystems Ⅰ/Ⅱ and photosensitizing proteins to harvest light energy for synthetic materials through catalyzing the reduction reactions have been studied with a focus primarily on hydrogen production. The pure isolated biological photosensitizers are good candidates for exploring the electron transport pathway. However, photosystems Ⅰ/Ⅱ can only maintain activity for a couple of hours, making them difficult for applying to industrial processes, but the material antenna-based biohybrids take the advantage of more stable semiconductors that can be engineered to produce lots of specific chemicals. In this article, advantages and recent processes on the application of the hybrid systems are commented, and their future development is highlighted.

    Developing C1-based metabolic network in methylotrophy for biotransformation
    GUO Shuyuan, WU Lianghuan, LIU Xiangjian, WANG Bo, YU Tao
    2022, 3(1):  116-137.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-079
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    One carbon (C1) substrates have generated increasing attention as abundantly available feedstock for biotransformation to produce biofuels and valuable chemicals. Especially, these bioproducts are not only promoting the economic development, but also meet the societal needs for clean energy and environmental protection. Microbial cell factories (MCF) that efficiently convert raw materials to useful chemicals are highly desirable for C1 based biomanufacturing. Furthermore, more and more attention is being paid to study how the native and synthetic methylotrophic MCFs are capable of utilizing C1 compounds including methane, methanol, formic acid and carbon dioxide (CO2) as raw materials for biosynthesis. Native methylotrophs have multiple pathways for C1 utilization so that they can grow with methanol or formate as the sole carbon and energy source. Engineering synthetic methylotrophs are based on available metabolic knowledge and advanced genome engineering tools to modify the platform microorganisms. Hence, it is the key to explore the C1-based metabolic networks of methylotrophy in depth for constructing highly effective methylotrophic cell factory to convert C1 substrates. In this review, we firstly summarize in detail key natural pathways for C1-substrate assimilation and bioproducts produced by native methylotrophs. Then we introduce synthetic methylotrophs and major chemical products derived through engineering Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium glutamicum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the field of synthetic methylotrophs, many studies focus on utilizing methanol or CO2 as the sole carbon source and energy source to construct the MCFs for bio-transformation. In the end, we discuss the barriers and challenges for developing robust methylotrophic cell factory to convert C1 substrates, and highlight strategies for commercializing the biotransformation of C1 based substrates.

    Research progress in cellulosomes and their applications in synthetic biology
    FENG Yingang, LIU Yajun, CUI Qiu
    2022, 3(1):  138-154.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-029
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    Cellulosomes are multi-enzyme complexes secreted by some anaerobic bacteria which can efficiently degrade lignocellulose. All known cellulosome-producing bacteria belong to Clostridia, including both mesophilic and thermophilic species. Cellulosomes contain non-covalent combinations of scaffolding subunits (scaffoldins) and catalytic subunits. Each of these types of subunits is composed of a variety of covalently-linked tandem modules (i.e. structural domains), which can be roughly classified into four categories: assembly modules, catalytic modules, substrate-binding modules, and cell-binding modules. Cellulosomes in different species have different numbers of scaffoldins and catalytic subunits, and the scaffoldins contain different numbers and types of assembly modules. Therefore, cellulosome structures from different species show great diversity. The architecture of cellulosomes results in multi-level synergistic effects, including the synergy between different enzymes, enzymes and substrates, and enzymes and cells. In addition to the structural complexity and multiple levels of complementary synergy, cellulosomes also have a high degree of conformational flexibility to adapt to the complexity of substrate structures. Furthermore, cellulosome-producing bacteria have developed substrate-coupling regulatory mechanisms to achieve adaptability for complex substrates. These characteristics of modularity, diversity, self-assembly, synergy, high efficiency, and adaptability are highly applicable in synthetic biology. Therefore, in recent years, cellulosomes have been widely used in biotechnology, especially in synthetic biotechnology. This article first briefly introduces the structural basis and mechanism of cellulosomes for highly efficient lignocellulose degradation, and then summarizes the progress in their utilization in different synthetic biotechnology applications, including the construction of designer cellulosomes, substrate channeling and synthetic metabolic pathway construction, cell surface display and enzyme immobilization, and artificial cellulosome construction. The designer cellulosomes contain defined catalytic components located in the specific positions of the scaffoldin, which not only facilitates basic research into the mechanism of the cellulosome, but also provides a solid foundation for biotechnology and synthetic biology applications. Designer cellulosomes can be used to construct a variety of different metabolic pathways in a variety of hosts, often resulting in a several-fold increase in the reaction rate or yield. Natural cellulosomes can be immobilized onto the cell surface through the S-Layer Homology module and/or the surface of the substrate through the carbohydrate-binding module. These immobilization characteristics have also been widely used in synthetic biotechnology. These applications mainly include displaying cellulosomes on the surface of microbial cells that cannot degrade cellulose, giving them the ability to degrade cellulose, and functionalizing the surface of cells, cellulose, or other solid materials (such as nanoparticles) by displaying various enzymes. The major advantages of the cellulosome structure lie in the self-assembly of supramolecular systems and the synergy of multi-enzyme systems, which inspire researchers to develop artificial cellulosomes: supramolecular complexes formed by the interaction of various biomolecules to mimic the structure of cellulosomes. The materials and systems used as scaffolds in artificial cellulosomes are complex and diverse, but the core approach is to construct the scaffold to allow the proximity of different enzymes, resulting in efficient molecular nanomachines or functional biomaterials. Finally, this article looks ahead to the upcoming key areas in cellulosome research and future applications of cellulosomes and cellulosome-producing bacteria. Various protein components and engineering strategies revealed in the study of cellulosomes will play an important role in the future development of synthetic biology.

    Research progress in construction of functional microbial communities
    HUANG Jiacheng, ZHANG Aihui, FU Yousi, FANG Baishan
    2022, 3(1):  155-167.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-074
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    Study on functional microbial communities has become a hotspot with development of synthetic biology and microbiome. Comparing to single organism, functional microbial communities have several advantages in their robustness when facing environmental interference and for higher yields when producing complex products. This article introduces the research progress in studies on functional microbial communities from aspects: 1) the original motivation of functional microbial community research and the advantages and difficulties in design compared with single organism engineering, 2) the "bottom-up" and "top-down" strategies in the functional microbial community design process, and 3) analysis tools for functional microbial communities, such as "metagenomics", "multi-omics" and related data processing procedures and software. The main history of environmental microbial analysis is reviewed, and the main concepts of meta-omics is introduced. The major software which is used to process meta-omics data is also commented. In addition, challenges for the functional microbial community construction are highlighted based on the design strategy and analysis tools. The "bottom-up" strategy is not suitable for constructing a complicated microbial community, while the biosafety needs to be considered for developing the "top-down" strategy. Finally, the development of microbial communities with "intelligent design" as the core is prospected: first, using an interpretable spatiotemporal data model for temporal-spatial relationship mining of functional microbial communities; second, combining neural network and multi-modal learning methods to establish a multi-omics community analysis process; third, computational design of distributed metabolic circuits in the functional microbial community through reinforcement learning.

    Biosynthesis of pentacyclic triterpenoid saponins in microbial cell factories
    REN Shichao, SUN Qiuyan, FENG Xudong, LI Chun
    2022, 3(1):  168-183.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2020-082
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    Pentacyclic triterpenoid saponins are important plant natural products, which have five rings composed of six isoprene units. They are widely used in medicine, functional food, health care products, cosmetics and other fields due to their pharmacological and physiological activities. At present, pentacyclic triterpenoid saponins are derived mainly from direct extraction from plants, which has many disadvantages such as the long growth period of plants, competition for farmland, impact on ecological environment and low extraction yield. It is also difficult to obtain pentacyclic triterpenoid saponins through chemical synthesis because of the complexity of their structures, and in the meantime the process using organic reagents and performed under harsh reaction conditions is not environmentally friendly. In recent years, with the development of synthetic biology, A variety of microbial cell factories have been constructed to synthesize plant natural products, which present advantages over their chemical synthesis. In this article, the classification, functional activities, structural characteristics of typical pentacyclic triterpenoids and the progress of their synthesis through microbial cell factories are reviewed based on their plant sources and natural synthesis pathway. The unknown enzymes catalyzing synthesis of the key sites of sapogenins in the pentacyclic triterpenoid saponins synthesis pathway are analyzed. Combined with the reported in vivo and in vitro studies, P450 enzymes and glycosyltransferases that are responsible for the formation of sapogenins and saponins, respectively, in some unidentified pathways are predicted. Based on current research, main bottlenecks for pentacyclic triterpenoid saponins synthesis in microbial cell factories are highlighted, and the situation of industrial production and challenges are discussed, which provide theoretical support and new ideas for constructing microbial cell factories to synthesize pentacyclic triterpenoid saponins more efficiently.

    Overview on platform for synthetic biology research at Shenzhen
    ZHANG Ting, LENG Mengtian, JIN Fan, YUAN Hai
    2022, 3(1):  184-194.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-077
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    With the rapid development of synthetic biology, traditional labor-intensive research paradigm no longer satisfies the demand from increased numbers for trial-and-error experiments and processing and analysis of mega data. With the support from national, provincial and municipal governments, platform for synthetic biology research, established by Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences is now ready for operation, and expected to put into running in 2023. This report presents a brief introduction to The Major Scientific and Technological Infrastructure for Synthetic Biology Research. The first phase development for the Infrastructure includes three platforms: Design and Learning, Synthesis, and User Testing, and the second phase is for the medical transformation platform. The Infrastructure mainly focus on automated synthetic biotechnology, and introduces the concepts of intelligent manufacturing into synthetic biology research for high-throughput synthesis of living organisms. Through the establishment of such an intelligent production unit based on the information management system, the closed loop of “design-build-test-learn (DBTL)” can be implemented more efficiently with high-throughput and low-cost, which can realize rational and predictable design and synthesis, and also achieve remote design and economical production of synthetic living organisms at large scale. In addition, the platform integrates information technology (IT) and biological technology (BT) through information interconnection and internet of thing (IoT) devices for being fully automated and intelligent to conduct standardized tests, algorithms, processes and other workflows, which ultimately helps to inspire breakthroughs in basic research and interdisciplinary integration for technological innovations.

    Designing and application of small-scale integrated automated liquid handling system
    CHU Yadong, ZHAO Zongbao
    2022, 3(1):  195-208.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-095
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    Nowadays experiments in biotechnology, synthetic biology and chemical biology often require handling a lot of samples timely with high throughput and accuracy. Manual operations such as liquid dispensing, transferring and distribution not only impose laborious burdens on researchers, but also lead to experimental errors and low efficiency. Therefore, the small-scale and integrated automation systems have emerged, whereby liquid-handling workstation serves as the core to integrate peripheral equipment and coordinate the operation of all instruments through software and human-machine interface. Such systems can be used to handle a large number of labor-consuming workloads and improve efficiency and data quality. As our laboratory is currently running a small-scale liquid handling system, here we first illustrate the major compositions of the system, and then share the processes used for rapid evaluation of culture media and strains as well as enzyme activities for directed evolution, automatic induction, expression and preparation of crude enzyme samples, automatic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-based screening and high-throughput plasmid extraction. We also briefly introduce key factors that may have significant impact on these processes, such as the location of consumables, the details of pipetting, script extension, and workflow planning. We further describe the shortcomings detected during the use of the system, offer suggestions for assembling similar systems with improved performance, and share the precautions that may cause abnormalities. While integrated automated liquid handling systems are expected to become an important part of the automated laboratory in the future in Chinese universities and research institutes, increased R&D investment and personnel training in hardware and software are needed for promoting the development of domestic laboratory automation equipment. Overall, it is a useful reference for other laboratories to design automated workstation systems.

    Regulating the commercialization of cell-cultured meat: practices in selected jurisdictions and their implications for China
    LI Yujuan, FU Xiongfei, DU Li
    2022, 3(1):  209-223.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-101
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    Cell-cultured meat offers a potential solution for traditional meat production systems to address the supply uncertainties of meet and related products, public health risks, and animal welfares. Cell-cultured meat has become a hot topic in both research and investment domains. The United States and some European countries have launched a series of development strategies, promoting the national and regional research and development of cell-cultured meat. All over the world, since 2018, research achievements in the area of cell-cultured meat have shown a rapid growth trend. Industrial investment and capital have increased significantly. However, the commercialization of cell-cultured meat confronts various challenges. Other than technical bottlenecks, regulatory challenges are the main ones. In recent years, the European Union and the United States have been working on developing regulations for cell-cultured meat. Based on the context of Regulation 2015/2283/EU on novel food, the European Union has announced a Guidance on the preparation and submission of an application for the novel food. The FDA/USDA has released a joint regulatory framework for cell-cultured meat and has conducted a series of public hearings to accelerate the development and implementation of relevant regulations. In 2020, Singapore became the first country that approves the marketing of a type of cell-cultured meat. The government also issued measures on the safety assessment of cell-cultured meat. China has made fast technical progress in cell-cultured meat research and development. However, legal and regulatory issues associated with the commercialization of cell-cultured meat are still not well addressed. In this context, based on the exploration of research progress and development of cell-cultured meat, this paper explores regulatory frameworks for cell-cultured meat in the European Union, the United States, and Singapore. Further, it identifies legal challenges for the commercialization of cell-cultured meat. It finds that definitions of "meat" and "meat products" vary in different countries and regions, and no uniform definition has been developed for cell-cultured meat. Moreover, the labelling of cell-cultured meat is controversial, and it has been regulated differently in the examined countries and regions. In addition, pre-market approval and post-market supervisions are not well established for the commercialization process of cell-cultured meat. Following the analysis of these legal frameworks and challenges, this paper proposes recommendations for improving regulations on cell-cultured meat in China.

    Ethical governance for synthetic biology technology from the perspective of virtue ethics
    GUO Simin, YE Bin, XU Fei
    2022, 3(1):  224-237.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-036
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    The current research on the ethical governance for synthetic biology technology has achieved preliminary progress. The ethical research for synthetic biology based on consequentialism and deontology provides a reference for the ethical governance of synthetic biology technology from the perspectives of pre-rule-making and post-value evaluation. However, synthetic biology technology is an emerging technology, and many questions about its nature, future use, and social consequences remain to be addressed. Due to its uncertain nature, many ethical issues related to synthetic biology technology cannot be reliably identified or analyzed, and it is still impossible to fully predict what ethical issues will arise once the technology is fully developed and entrenched in society. For the above reasons, existing ethical governance programs still face the Colingridge's dilemma to varying degrees. Studies indicate that we should seek an ethical governance path connecting the former and the latter and running through the entire synthetic biology research process. Synthetic biology researchers, as the scientific research subject who runs through the entire process from establishment of the technology project to research and application, have a leading influence on process for risk decision-making and product construction. This work suggests that clarifying the ethical norms for synthetic biology researchers would constitute a useful supplement to the current research on synthetic biology technology governance and effectively promote the technology development. To this end, we first demonstrate the influence of synthetic biology researchers' ethical level on the development and application of the technology; second, explore the ethical theories and norms for synthetic biology researchers, and analyze their practical and theoretical dilemmas; finally, we highlight the perspective of virtue ethics, discusse the guiding significance of virtue ethics to the ethics of synthetic biology researchers from a theoretical perspective, and on this basis propose suggestions on the comprehensive management of synthetic biology technology ethics.

    Efficient capture and assembly of AT-rich genomic fragments using ExoCET-BAC strategy
    JIANG Chanjuan, CUI Tianqi, SUN Hongluan, JIAO Nianzhi, FU Jun, ZHANG Youming, WANG Hailong
    2022, 3(1):  238-251.  doi:10.12211/2096-8280.2021-082
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    Gene cloning is a routine experiment to elucidate its functions, however, many genes are difficult to be cloned, such as those from AT-rich (>60%) fragments. Exonuclease in vitro assembly combined with RecET recombination for highly efficient direct DNA (ExoCET) cloning combines in vitro homologous recombination mediated by exonucleases and intracellular homologous recombination mediated by E. coli RecET recombinases. ExoCET is a powerful gene cloning technique because it can not only capture fragments larger than 100 kb from genomes but also assemble more than 13 pieces of DNA fragments. So far, there has been no report on the use of ExoCET to clone large fragments from genomes with AT content more than 63%. In this study, the genome of the marine cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus MIT 9301 strain with 69% AT content was used to optimize the ExoCET conditions for cloning of large AT-rich DNA fragments. The results indicate that: (1) Compared to T4 polymerase method, higher cloning efficiency was obtained when Gibson assembly method was used for the in vitro homologous recombination, since the covalently stitched DNA molecule by Gibson assembly is much more stable than the DNA molecule with gap stitched by T4 DNA polymerase; (2) The single-copy bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vector should be used, and the multi-copy plasmid vector cannot clone those fragments, because the single-copy BAC can minimize the expression of cloned genes to avoid their toxic effect on the host; (3) The ExoCET-BAC strategy can not only capture fragments larger than 80 kb from the Prochlorococcus genome, but also assemble 11 pieces of DNA fragments with 100% accuracy; (4) ExoCET-BAC can capture 4 pieces of genomic fragments of 7-20 kb simultaneously in one step. Genome sequencing revealed that AT-rich organisms account for more than 30%, and thus the ExoCET-BAC strategy established in this study provides efficient enabling technology for the genome functional research of AT-rich organisms.