Synthetic Biology Journal ›› 2021, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (4): 509-527.DOI: 10.12211/2096-8280.2021-041

• Invited Review • Previous Articles     Next Articles

In memory of Prof. Daniel I.C. Wang: Engineering Yarrowia lipolytica for the production of plant-based lipids: technical constraints and perspectives for a sustainable cellular agriculture economy

XU Peng1,2   

  1. 1.Department of Chemical Engineering,Guangdong-Technion,Israel Institute of Technology,Shantou 515063,Guangdong,China
    2.Department of Chemical,Biochemical and Environmental Engineering,University of Maryland,Baltimore County,Baltimore,MD 21250,USA
  • Received:2021-04-03 Revised:2021-05-12 Online:2021-09-10 Published:2021-08-31



  1. 1.广东以色列理工学院化学工程系,广东  汕头  515063
    2.马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校化学、生化与环境工程系,马里兰州  巴尔的摩 21250,美国
  • 作者简介:徐鹏(1980—),男,工学博士,于2020年获得“生物技术与生物工程王义翘教授奖” (Biotechnology & Bioengineering Daniel I.C. Wang Award)。研究方向主要涉及代谢工程、合成生物学、生化工程、生物分子绿色制造、智能控制和生化反应网络建模等。


Developing cellular agriculture economy is one of the solutions to mitigate resource limitation, reduce greenhouse gas emission, slow down global warming as well as achieve true sustainability. Microbial cell factory has become a critical component to advance biomanufacturing due to the availability of versatile genetic tools, ease scale-up and the high conversion efficiency of low-cost renewable feedstocks. Prof. Daniel I.C. Wang was one of the trailblazers and founders of biochemical engineering, who built and led the Biotechnology Process Engineering Center (BPEC) at MIT. When I and my colleagues worked as postdoc associates and research scientists in Prof. Stephanopoulos' lab, part of our work on engineering oleaginous yeast cell factory was a direct result of the analytical, imaging and cell culture facility at BPEC. Plant-based oil and fats have an overall market value about $200 billion. Recently, the world has seen a craving for plant oil products, which negatively impacted our environment due to massive-scale deforestation and loss of ecological diversity in tropical regions. We thought oleaginous yeast could be a solution to this problem. Centering around the important genetic targets of the oleaginous species Yarrowia lipolytica, we summarized the essential metabolic engineering strategies for improving the carbon conversion efficiency (yield), lipid titer, lipid production rate (productivity) and cell growth fitness. We further analyzed technical constraints that limit our ability to build high oil-yielding yeast cell factory, including high throughput strain screening or phenotyping techniques, the incomplete understanding of the lipogenesis and underlying regulatory mechanism, as well as the lack of well-defined biochemical models to guide bioprocess optimization and scale-up. Further we discussed the technical and economic feasibility of converting sugarcane feedstock to high value plant-based lipids with metabolically engineered Y. lipolytica. Our analysis indicates that Y. lipolytica has a great potential to address the current market gap of high value plant-based fats (i.e. cocoa butter equivalent to make chocolate with a potential market of $50 billions). Engineering oleaginous yeast to provide plant-based healthy fats will help us address energy, foods, environment and resource challenges, which will surely move us one step closer to a society of low-carbon footprint and sustainable economy.

Key words: microbial cell factory, metabolic engineering, oleaginous yeast, plant-based alternative fats, cellular agriculture economy, sustainable development



关键词: 细胞工厂, 代谢工程, 产油酵母, 植物源可替代油脂, 细胞农业经济, 可持续性发展

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