Synthetic Biology Journal ›› 2021, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (5): 697-715.DOI: 10.12211/2096-8280.2021-012
• Invited Review • Previous Articles Next Articles
Qian YANG1, Botao CHENG1, Zhijun TANG1, Wen LIU1,2
杨谦1, 程伯涛1, 汤志军1, 刘文1,2
CLC Number:
Qian YANG, Botao CHENG, Zhijun TANG, Wen LIU. Applications and prospects of genome mining in the discovery of natural products[J]. Synthetic Biology Journal, 2021, 2(5): 697-715.
杨谦, 程伯涛, 汤志军, 刘文. 基因组挖掘在天然产物发现中的应用和前景[J]. 合成生物学, 2021, 2(5): 697-715.
数据库或web工具 | 网址(URL) | 参考文献 |
天然产物数据库 | ||
Dictionary of Natural Products(DNP) | | [ |
The Natural Products Atlas | | [ |
PubMed | | |
NPASS | | [ |
StreptomeDB | | [ |
MarinLit | | |
AntiBase | | |
KNApSAcK | | [ |
Norine | | [ |
MacrolactoneDB | | [ |
ChEBI | | [ |
ChEMBl | | [ |
ChemSpider | | [ |
COCONUT | | [ |
生物合成基因簇数据库 | ||
ClusterMine360 | | [ |
DoBISCUIT | | [ |
MIBiG | | [ |
IMG-ABC | | [ |
antiSMASH Database | | [ |
ClustScan Database | | [ |
BiG-FAM | | [ |
蛋白家族数据库 | ||
UniProtKB | | [ |
Pfam | | [ |
InterPro | | [ |
识别生物合成基因簇的网络工具 | ||
BLAST | | [ |
HMMer | | [ |
ClustScan | | [ |
np.searcher | | [ |
SMURF | | [ |
antiSMASH | | [ |
ClusterFinder | | [ |
RODEO | | [ |
Tab. 1 Database and web tools of genome mining
数据库或web工具 | 网址(URL) | 参考文献 |
天然产物数据库 | ||
Dictionary of Natural Products(DNP) | | [ |
The Natural Products Atlas | | [ |
PubMed | | |
NPASS | | [ |
StreptomeDB | | [ |
MarinLit | | |
AntiBase | | |
KNApSAcK | | [ |
Norine | | [ |
MacrolactoneDB | | [ |
ChEBI | | [ |
ChEMBl | | [ |
ChemSpider | | [ |
COCONUT | | [ |
生物合成基因簇数据库 | ||
ClusterMine360 | | [ |
DoBISCUIT | | [ |
MIBiG | | [ |
IMG-ABC | | [ |
antiSMASH Database | | [ |
ClustScan Database | | [ |
BiG-FAM | | [ |
蛋白家族数据库 | ||
UniProtKB | | [ |
Pfam | | [ |
InterPro | | [ |
识别生物合成基因簇的网络工具 | ||
BLAST | | [ |
HMMer | | [ |
ClustScan | | [ |
np.searcher | | [ |
SMURF | | [ |
antiSMASH | | [ |
ClusterFinder | | [ |
RODEO | | [ |
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